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Tourism Industry Insights

Project: Time Off is a research-driven initiative to prove the personal, business, social, and economic benefits that taking earned time off can deliver. Organizations need to shift their culture to not view using personal time off as frivolous, but essential to strengthening families and improving personal health; a business investment with proven returns and an economic necessity.

Recently I had the distinct honor of volunteering on Congressman Lamborn’s Service Academy Selection Interview Panel. The goal was to nominate students of character, scholarship, leadership, physical aptitude and medical fitness to be trained as our nation’s future military leaders.


October marks national Arts Month both nationally and locally. The goal is to encourage Americans to explore new facets of the arts and humanities in their lives. In Colorado Springs alone, the arts annually generates an economic impact of $72M annually, employ 2,200 people and draw an attendance of 1.3M. That means it is big business!

Work Martyr Complex" Emerges at Expense of Americans' Health and Well-Being