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City and Community Initiatives
For more information about green initatives and sustainablility in the Pikes Peak region, please visit these websites:
City of Colorado Springs Sustainability Green Cities Coalition of the Pikes Peak Region
Pikes Peak Sustainable Business Network El Paso County Environmental Division
CVB Initiatives
The Colorado Springs CVB is dedicated to protecting the environment, preserving our natural resources and reducing our carbon footprint. Below are some of the steps we’ve taken to accomplish our “green” objectives:
Our publications are printed on 10% post consumer paper and we always look for opportunities to do more of our printing on environmentally friendly paper or to switch to electronic communications.
Electronic Communications
We have switched to electronic communications for monthly Partners newsletters and event invitations. Our printed visitor guide is also available as an online publication.
Office Recycling
We recycle paper, cardboard, cans, plastic bottles, batteries and light bulbs. The bags that we provide to meeting planners are made from recyclable material.
We share rides whenever possible as we attend events throughout the region and the state.
We’re turning off lights, computers and heaters when heading home for the evening.
Community Engagement
Our organization has a partnership with Catamount Institute, a local organization dedicated to heightening the community's awareness of environmental and sustainable issues. Our VP of Marketing is Board President for Keep Colorado Springs Beautiful. The CVB advertises with Greener Corners, an organization that maintains recycle bins throughout Colorado Springs.